Style seems to be changing faster than a bank account can grow. With this pattern, how can we keep a house up to date without going into debt? Why not try out what others have done before us, take a current dresser, and bring it back into style. The DIY community is strong. There are tutorials and step-by-step instructions that anyone can follow. Follow the steps below, and you will not only save money but have a great product to show off to your visitors.

Pick A Style

Finding your style is the first step. This could take some time. Explore all the options before getting started on anything. Social media like Instagram is one place that you can find pages dedicated to housing decorating. Another option is Pinterest. Here can find great ideas and links to pages that can show you how to accomplish it. Those great at DIY use both platforms to show off all the things they have done and help others to do the same. After your projects, you could share your tips with others.

Step by Step

Unless you are super handy, look for a tutorial that explains what they did step by step. Seeing a picture of something you want and trying to replicate it by guessing what they did will not end the way you want. Following instructions worked great in school and will do you well here as well. Read through all of them before getting started. Those that have done before may have tricks to help you get the results that you want.

Get the Tools

No matter how primary the task ahead of you, a good toolbox will always be an asset. There is no need to run out and start buying all the tools in the hardware store. Gather as you need, but there are a few good things, to begin with. One would be a power drill and driver. Some jobs could be done with a screwdriver, but it is much faster and easier this way. While you are at it, grab a drill bit set that has an extensive range. This way, you will be ready no matter what projects comes your way. Another tool to consider grabbing is a sander. Using sandpaper by hand to sand an entire dresser will take forever. Your hand will thank you for buying an Orbital Sander.


Now that you have everything gathered that you need to prepare a space. A space that you will not need to tidy up until you are done. A place that can be avoided by others so that nothing disrupts your project. Ideally, a place with good ventilation if you will be using power tools, paints, or other items with strong fumes. If you have small children around a site, you can keep the products that would not be safe locked up.

With everything you need and a place to work, it is time to get started and become a DIY pro.

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