Keeping on top of your finances and budget is essential. Taking good financial advice from professionals is even more important. Increase your knowledge of how to handle your money wisely by following these financial gurus.
Dave Ramsay
Arguably one the most influential individuals in the financial world, Dave Ramsay is someone you need to follow. His step by step program (accessible in his book, Total Money Makeover) for getting out of debt includes valuable information that is perfect for beginners. He’s an excellent financial resource and regularly takes time to answer listeners questions on his podcast as well as various social media platforms. Give him a follow and begin your debt-free journey today.
Jordan Page
This guru has mastered the art of frugality. Jordan created some key financial principles that she has personally used to get her family completely out of debt. Creator of the budget bootcamp, Page is great at helping you find additional ways in which you can save money. For example, she issues fun challenges like spending freezes and something called ‘Shelf-tember’. It’s a month where you drastically reduce your monthly grocery bill in order to use the long forgotten food that’s been sitting in your pantry for a year (or two). She provides simple, attainable guidelines that can help you meet your financial goals. Check out her website

Ramit Sethi
Sethi is another great financial resource. He talks about how to create wealth instead of focusing singularly on debt payoff. While that’s something you should be focusing on, Sethi will help you unlock new potential revenue streams. An article written by Nael Hatto for states, “Ramit Sethi is a personal finance guru for the modern era. He is the author of “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” and while that sounds like it was written by the same people who bring you late-night infomercials, the book is chock-full of incredible financial advice… Sethi is all about going for big wins such as negotiating a raise at work that will compound in value over time, or calling up your credit card/phone/internet company(ies) to negotiate better rates that will save you hundreds of dollars over the year.”
Suze Orman
Suze Orman is another powerful financial guru who specializes in investing. The above mentioned article also states, “Suze Orman is well known in the personal finance space. She went from waitressing to being a stockbroker at Merrill Lynch to opening her own company, The Suze Orman Financial Group. Today she focuses on creating books and kits that help people learn more about investing and personal finance.” It goes on to say, “Orman focuses a lot on the psychology of personal finance but also has a number of useful calculators on her website which can go a long way towards organizing your finances.”
Your money should be working just as hard as you do. Set goals for yourself and take solid advice from professionals on your path to becoming debt free.